Navesja Nugroho

Illustration | Interactive | Motion

Google tells me I am one of only three fortunate people on earth named Navesja, but I like to believe I am the only one of them who huddles in front of a computer like a 21st century caveman.

Studying my Bachelor of Visual Communication with the aid of my tablet, an ever-disappearing pen, computers I spend more time with than friends, and an ever-expanding interest in all things digital and creative, I spend my days illustrating, crafting animations, and designing interactive layouts. Everyone and everything has a story, and I believe I am able to help tell them.

Dear Me,

Sending and receiving letters to yourself during different periods of your life can bring about changes in you you’ve never foreseen. With the intention of combating low self-esteem in youths, ‘Dear Me,’ is both a letter-writing and journal entry app that allows users to reflect on their days, evaluate themselves, and acknowledge their growth. Using colour therapy, motion graphics, and adaptive behaviour, I present the demo of a tool that encourages self-awareness and self-acceptance.

The Lost Bots

Dear Me,

Dear Me,

Dear Me,

Dear Me,

Dear Me,

Dear Me,

'Contour' Site: 'Munchies' Interactive Recipe Page & Crew Page

'Contour' Site: 'Munchies' Interactive Recipe Page & Crew Page

'Breakfast Time' Platform Game

'Breakfast Time' Platform Game

'Mobile Phones' Informative Motion Graphic

‘Spiderman 2’ Kinetic Type