Kate Veitze

Illustration | Photography | Print


Hello, my name is Kate a twenty-two year old Western Sydney raised photographer who has always had my eyes focused on the power of a camera.

I have a real passion for historical photos, as I love the way they can capture a moment in time before they fade away. From this, I have found that I love to take photos that are in the moment, that capture reality and beauty.

My outlook on my future prosperities can be summarised in the words of my personal idol Freddie Mercury, “I won’t be a rock star. I will be a legend.”

Rebel Hearts

This project was created for young millennials between the ages of 16-25 who have found a love in classic rock music. I created a set of eight postcard designs which all include a classic rock icon which has been traced from an iconic photograph or album cover. These illustrations were then placed into photographs of everyday scenarios. The concept behind this was to convey how although these icons have passed their prime or have passed away, they are still being kept alive by a new generation of people who love what they have created.

The Lost Bots

Rebel Hearts

Rebel Hearts

Rebel Hearts

Rebel Hearts

Rebel Hearts





