Andrej Drenoski

Illustration | Interactive | Motion

Andrej Drenoski is a Visual Designer driven by a life-long passion of all things creative. Experience ranging from visual art, to music, to even drama theater, Andrej seeks to perfect the art of storytelling to achieve his dream of being an entertainer. Currently studying at the University of Western Sydney, Andrej has collected a broad range of skills across both communications and industrial fields of design. Ranging from ergonomics, to publications, to marketing and to even web design, Andrej Drenoski has prepared himself to face any challenge life would throw at him.

Dungeons and Dragons with friends

Dungeons and Dragons is a one of the oldest modern table-top games to feature fantasy elements. Such a powerful game that hinges on the imagination has stood the test of time and is constantly updated by Wizards of the Coast to this day. However such a reclusive hobby holds many barriers preventing new players from joining easily. The most tedious of which is the rule book. My major project is an interactive flash that intends to teach people the basics of Dungeons and Dragons without reading over 1000 pages of boring rules.

The Lost Bots

Dungeons and Dragons with friends

Dungeons and Dragons with friends

Dungeons and Dragons with friends

Dungeons and Dragons with friends

Dungeons and Dragons with friends

Hip to be square

Hip to be square



Digital Dissonance

Digital Dissonance

League of Legends: Factions

League of Legends: Factions