Adam Bills

Branding | Illustration | Web

A quiet thinker and brother to many, Adam is a man of few words yet his silence is grossly outshone by his creative ingenuity and insight. Drawn to the creative arts from an early age, Adam has honed his talents in visual arts from his high school years and moulded them into industry valued skills through tertiary studies. Having indulged in freelance and studio projects for the past four years and worked for reputable clients such as Lifeline Macarthur and Sydney Water, Adam is no stranger to the creative scene and would make for a worthy asset to any team.


U.N. reports warn that 40% of the worlds pollinators are facing extinction. 75% of the world’s food crops rely on pollination and unbeknown to most is that coffee, fruit and chocolate are amongst the most affected. “Buzzaid” is an awareness campaign that tackles the often ignored yet very serious issue of pollinator extinction. Using coffee loss as a hook, my campaign aims to educate, raise funds and spread the word in support of our little friends.

The Lost Bots







Big Book Fair

Big Book Fair

The Hard Truth

The Hard Truth



