Plastic Water

Client: Kylie Yeend, Manager, Education Engagement & Partnerships, and Donna Lewis, Senior Marketing Advisor, Sydney Water

  • Adam Bills
  • Gillian Ferri
  • Hayley Douglas
  • Jonathan Herring
  • Frank Palmos
  • Estelle Vallet

The use of bottled water has become a norm in our cities, yet in Sydney, our tap water is amongst the cleanest and safest in the world. Research conducted by Sydney Water indicates that the perception of water quality is the primary driver for choosing to drink bottled water. Targeting young people (14–18 yrs) who drink bottled water or are ‘switchers’, the Rabbit Hole was briefed to design an intervention challenging the perception that bottled water is better than tap. Outcomes: campaign concepts, visual identity, print/digital collateral

The use of bottled water has become a norm in our cities, yet in Sydney, our tap water is amongst the cleanest and safest in the world. Research conducted by Sydney Water indicates that the perception of water quality is the primary driver for choosing to drink bottled water. Targeting young people (14–18 yrs) who drink bottled water or are ‘switchers’, the Rabbit Hole was briefed to design an intervention challenging the perception that bottled water is better than tap. Outcomes: campaign concepts, visual identity, print/digital collateral

  • Adam Bills
  • Gillian Ferri
  • Hayley Douglas
  • Jonathan Herring
  • Frank Palmos
  • Estelle Vallet