
Client: Donna Lewis, Senior Marketing Advisor, Sydney Water and Belinda Hissey, Host Agency

  • Adam Bills
  • Hayley Douglas
  • Gillian Ferri
  • Jonathan Herring
  • Frank Palmos

Sydney drinking water is from natural catchments, filtered, sustainable and amongst the best water in the world. Yet 10% of people choose to drink bottled water over tap. This is the problem that sparked a creative idea ‘become an #aquavist’, an idea that encourages existing tap water drinkers to share why they chose tap in an effort to convert and trigger non-tap drinkers to make the switch. The Rabbit Hole was briefed by Host Agency to develop social media content for the #aquavist initiative.

Outcomes: social media collatera

Sydney drinking water is from natural catchments, filtered, sustainable and amongst the best water in the world. Yet 10% of people choose to drink bottled water over tap. This is the problem that sparked a creative idea ‘become an #aquavist’, an idea that encourages existing tap water drinkers to share why they chose tap in an effort to convert and trigger non-tap drinkers to make the switch. The Rabbit Hole was briefed by Host Agency to develop social media content for the #aquavist initiative.

Outcomes: social media collatera

  • Adam Bills
  • Hayley Douglas
  • Gillian Ferri
  • Jonathan Herring
  • Frank Palmos